What size rubber stamp should I choose?
We provide rubber stamps in the following sizes:
Extra Small: 30 x 30mm
Small: 30 x 50mm
Medium: 50 x 50mm
Large: 80 x 40mm
Extra Large: 100 x 60mm
When selecting your rubber stamp size, consider:
What size stamp can be produced with your image?
There are some limitations to the level of detail and font size that a rubber stamp can reproduce. Avoid going too small with your stamp if your design includes intricate detail or lots of text. We recommend any text in your design be no less than the equivalent of Arial pt size 8 when scaled to your chosen stamp size.
What's your desired print size relative to the material/s you'll be stamping?
We suggest looking at the size of your material/s [e.g. a cotton drawstring bag, cardboard mailer, envelope, etc] and think about how large or small you'd like the stamped print to be on that item. We've created size templates so that you can create a mock up to ensure you get a real-life example of sizes: Custom rubber stamps.
We can also provide an artwork proof of your design scaled to your chosen stamp size so you can be certain before we produce your rubber stamp.
What size looks best?
This comes down to personal preference. You might like the logo large and bold, or maybe you're going for a more subtle look. While we can give our opinion, it's going to be just one opinion - the choice is yours!
Check out our Instagram Highlights to see lots of examples of rubber stamps we've made.
Rubber Stamp Size Guide
These sizes refer the printable area of the stamp, and the measurements indicate the maximum height or width that your design will be for the stamp size you’ve chosen. Your design doesn’t need exactly to match both dimensions – it will be scaled to be as large as it can be within stamp size you choose [unless you require a specific size, e.g. you may choose a Medium size stamp, but request the design to be 45mm].
Our Small and Large stamps are best suited to rectangular shape designs, while our Extra Small and Medium are best for circular or square shaped designs. To get the best value, consider the proportions of your design when selecting your stamp size.
Below is how the same design would be scaled within each rubber stamp size. In this example, the best choice would be either Extra Small [30 x 30mm] or Medium [50 x 50mm].